
Product Detail

Cover Image For Jardine 24" Customizable Luggage
Cover Image for Jardine 24" Customizable Luggage Cover Image for Jardine 24" Customizable Luggage Cover Image for Jardine 24" Customizable Luggage

Jardine 24" Customizable Luggage

You'll never miss your luggage at baggage claim with suitcase designs like this! Six design options are available for this ~medium 24" luggage. That's not all, you can also add a custom name or alumni title on the front.

• Choice of 6 designs.
• Choice of adding a custom name or not.

FAQ: What is the maximum # of characters for a name or other custom personalization?
Answer: There is no maximum, we will adjust the font size and space to accommodate any text.

Please note, this is a Gold Label item and is ineligible for discounts.

Item: 2038470

Price: $299.99

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