Donation Requests
Thank you for thinking of us as you make plans for your special event, activity, or program. The VandalStore receives many requests for donations from individuals and groups both on and off campus.

As a self-supporting campus department, our profits remain at the UI to support programs, scholarships, and facilities that benefit University of Idaho students, faculty, and staff. In addition to redirecting our profits to the University, we provide donations to special events, activities and programs that are in line with the University’s mission and vision.

The parameters below will help you determine if your organization matches our giving guidelines. Please understand that although your organization may fit one or more of the guidelines below, it's not a guarantee that your request will be honored. The VandalStore donation budget is set for the fiscal year and all requests will be evaluated to determine if they fall within the guidelines and budget as established. While we wish we could support all worthy organizations, we simply cannot.

The VandalStore will consider requests from the following:
  • University-affiliated organizations.
  • Events conducted by university-recognized student, faculty, or staff organizations and University departments.
  • Community programs sponsored or co-sponsored by the University of Idaho.
  • Not-for-profit education related special events, activities and programs that enhance or support the University’s mission and/or values.

Regrettably, we cannot support:
  • An organization receiving academic credit for the special event, activity, or program.
  • Requests from individuals.
  • Requests for cash donations.
  • Non-UI programs: sports teams, troops, classes, camps, carnivals, etc.
  • Religious and political groups/campaigns.
  • Items distributed or sold on University property that competes with the operations of the VandalStore.

Organizations that are not a direct part of the University of Idaho campus community or do not meet the above criteria may be extended a discount to purchase items from the VandalStore for their special event, activity or program in lieu of a donation.

To receive full consideration, please complete our online Donation Request Form at least 10 busines days prior to the event. The donation request form must include all required information, including information about your organization, event, or initiative. Please allow 7-14 business days for a response. Incomplete requests may be ineligible for consideration.